The beginning

Hi my Name is Viktor Bergman as of this week I am the lead designer of the big game project Sneaky Ninja. Over the time of a few weeks we will be creating a stealth puzzle game for the android market with a feudal japan ninja them.

week 1
We started by creating an asset list for programmers as well as grafiks so that everyone knew what to do. We also did a prototype for the basic movement mechanic in the game to see how the stealth part of the game would work out. Then I and the lead graphic artist sat down and started to create mockups so that we would have a sense of graphic style to the game.
I then started to create a basic mesh for the characters in the game as well as basic animations. Just so that the programmers could have something to work with as they got to know the program. I was working in 3ds max to create the basic model and Motionbuilder to create the animations. The program that we will be making our project in is Unity.
We then realized that the scale of the model was not right to the scale the programmers was using in Unity but this problem could be solved by either scaling down in 3ds max or Unity. I then created a bow for the guards in the game. I did it in order to learn how to animate a weapon in Motionbuilder with a character. So it was only a simple mesh and animation that we will not be using later. And it was also so that the programmers should learn how to implement a weapon or prop in to Unity.
Once that was done I started to work on concept for the bow that I had mad before. I started by creating a mockup so that the I had a general idea what it would look like.

week 2
I then started to do simple sketches of the bow that I started on last week. I showed it the other grafikal members to get some feedback on what was “cool” and what was a “no no”. The lead graficke artist made some notes on my work and I did a final sketch on what we were going for.
At this point I was given the task of being the lead game designer of the group as the previous Lead game designer who was also the producer felt that it was not appropriate. He felt that the designer and producer should be able to have a live discussion about the project between to people and not by one. So befitting my role I started to create the design document for the project. We definitely felt that the group needs a clear understanding of what was going to happen in the game. Understand what item would do what and how the player would be able to interact with this and that.
I decided to mail my teacher to see if I could have some time with one of the design teacher to talk about the document. Just to see what I could improve upon or if I had forgotten some detail.
As this week was Easter the majority of the group went to the main land to celebrate with family and friends so I also took the opportunity to go home and relax.

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